Monday, October 9, 2006

Childhood games part 2 - 跳4格

This is another my favourite childhood games. You know how to play??

1) chalk - kapur (dun know still got sell or not hee hee)
2) rubber bend

How to Play
1) dras a plane on the floor ,

2) Then, who start first will determind of throwing the rubber bend (RB), and throw from the back, meaning your back facing the plane mat, and say you throw on the plane no 7 mean you have 7 points, and is the highest point, so, meaning you will get to start first.. then let say, you did not throw IN the plane, that will be sure last liao lo.. and say got 2 person throw NOT IN the PLane then these 2 players will need to rethrow and see who go first...

3) RULES :- first round, throw your *RB* on kotak no 1,
then start. the RULE is, whichever kotak that got *RB*, must not step on it.. and you need to jump with only one foot from kotak 1 to 1 follow the order, and at kotak no 7, must step both feet. meaning the order is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 2 1...

next round is throw your RB at no 2 (if throw terkeluar or ON other ppl RB) mean MATI, change next player...
round by round you go.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 2, 1 then put your rb on your palm and flip it let the RB flip on the back of your palm, then jump the plane.... RULE: the RB must not fall down lo..

then follow up RB throw/flip it to your head and walk the plane... then reach the home and let the RB fall down from your head and you must catch it.. if you fail to do so.. sorry, Change player...

After than round is :- throw home (丢屋子) back face the plan and throw, this is bonus, if you get to throw ON the kotak, and that kotak belongs to you mean other ppl can not step on it..
say, that is already your house and your RB fall on that kotak when you try to 丢屋子, SORRY, that house will become no house and we called it (烧屋子).

This games as I remember will never end one la.. you can play and play until no kotak to throw then habis lo... no win or lose, just enjoy the game only... what a peaceful childhood I had ah.. haha

Childhood games part 1 - ZErO PoInT

Yesterday (sunday) I was so so so free, (hee, cos Jay Shung follow Ah Ma to KL) then I was kind of day dreaming and sit down with my husband and we talked some TEH TARIK topic....

Then suddenly we talked about *Zero Point* ....

Anyone here know what is ZERO POINT?? and HOw to play ?? I think kids nowsday do not know what games is this already. And I really hope that, this games can *survived* in the modern world now..
So.. Let me Introduce this games to you all *new Generation ppl*

dun fall asleep nuh
1) rubber bend and tie in to a long rope (about 2-3m long)
2) No of players:- at least 3 person and the more the merrier la..

How to Start:-
1) Need to divide players into 2 teams, ( how to divide, usually we will pick up 2 leaders, and the 2 leader play ONE TWO SOOM, then the win leader will pick the other player to become his *team*, then the lost leader, until all the players are divided) then NAME your team...
2) then ONE TWO KALI SOOM - see which group start first.. the winning group will start to *play* and the lose team will need to *hold* the rope...
3) HOw to PASS the 9 levels, meaning you need to jump over the rope that hold accoss infront of you.
4) And an agreement must be *set*, say:- you have 5 players in each team, so, maybe 3 *die/mati* will change... (this one will up to the agreement lo)

Each POINT = 9 levels
meaning after you *passed* all the 9 levels, then you go to the next POINT, meaning from ZERO point to ONE point


rope hold by 2 players of the lost team,
level 1: on the ground, every one must jump over without touching the rope, and must shout *zero point* and one by one jump over, the must follow order *say A to jump first, follow by B, then C* and this order must not change until the end of the game. And If you did jump not according to order, *SORRY, Change*

level 2: on your knee - this one must not touch too, and if this one touch, the above agreement (saying that 3 chances of MATI then change, will not apply). meaning immidiate need to CHANGE la..

level 3: waist - above from waist, you can touch the rope - but not using your hand, but is leg and jump over.. (got what i mean)

level 4: armpit

level 5: shoulder - this stage, you can have few players to get bonus, (this one also need to set during the aggrement time), at shoulder lever:- bonus is you no need to jump over, but you need to *wear shirt*... how to wear le:- will show you the photo later. your hands, left and right go round the rope and let the rope ikat at your hand, 3 times. Then, then rope in front of your chest, take it over your head and put it at the back, and turn round to release the rope..... (hee hee.. got what I mean) and at this stage, you must not laugh... and the opponent can say anything or do anything to make you laugh.... and if laugh mean mati la..

level 6: Ear - this stage also got bonus for player:- and this stage, you need to call, stand side way, and one of your hand, go round the rope, let the rope tie on you, round 3 times... then put on your hand on ear, and say HELLO.. then release and go under.

level 7: head (top) - this stage bonus is wear hat , same round and tie your hand 3 round.. then put in your head. then release, go under.. hee hee

wake up ppl.. the games not finish yet

level 8: back to waist - and this stage we called : jump 5 times, Tiao 5 xia...
and at this stage:- you must jump toward and backward (round and round) for 5 times.. and there are few way you can do it.. 5 times sambung, or 3 and 2 = 5 times or 1 + 1 +1+1+1 = 5

level 9: back to knee, this stage is called *dancing* = diao wu...
must dance according to your stage:- say you are level zero, use your leg turn and let the rope tie on your betik, one round, then another leg cross and touch the floor one time then release ...
then the rest of the player just jump over.. complete one point.. hee
and say you are at 5 points.. then when you are at this stage... you need to turn and let the rope tie on your betik 5 times.. or actually you can divide that, maksimun sekali is 3 rounds, min is 1, so, you suka la.. 2 and 2 and 1, then jump over..

sound effecr: Tara :
How to you think of this game ?? You like it ? I grow up with this game and I just dun want this game lenyap begitu sahaja... so.. Ppl that same age as me, teach this game to your kids.. I am sure they will enjoy playing this.